Personal Data Protection in accordance with the General Regulation of Data Protection
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, in accordance with current Regulation of Personal Data Protection, would like to inform you that the personal data is gathered through the forms on the This gathered personal data is included in the specific computer or automated files of the services users of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB
The automated or computer usage and gathering of personal data is done with the purpose of comercial relationship maintenance and execution of information, advisory, consulting, training tasks and other activities that are among the services of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB.
These data is only going to be transferred to those necessary entities for the fulfilment of the purpose identified above.
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB adopts the necessary measures in order to ensure the data safety, integrity and confidentiality, pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on 27th of April 2016, of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
The user will unfailingly have the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction and portability set out in theRegulation (EU), by writing an e-mail to:, or going in person to the following address: Comandante Bernabé Street, 3, ground floor, left side, 03390 Benejúzar (Alicante).
The user declares that all the data given to Administration & Valuation of Estates GB is correct and truthful, and the user commits to keep all data updated, informing Administration & Valuation of Estates GB of any change.
The purpose of the personal data use:
What is the purpose we give to your personal data?
In Administration & Valuation of Estates GB we use your personal data, gathered through our Website, for the following purposes:
1. In case of services and goods procurements offered through ….: with the purpose of maintaining the contractual relationship and the management, administration, information, provision and improvement of the service.
2. The sending of the requested data through the forms posted on….
3. The sending of the bulletins (newsletters) and of promotional sales comunications and/or advertising of the sector.
In addition, we would like to remind you that you can oppose the sending of the above mentioned commercial communications by any way and at any time, sending us an e-mail to the before indicated e-mail address.
The registration forms must be comleted fully, without it being impossible to carry out the indicated purposes.
How long is the gathered personal data stored?
The gathered personal data is stored while the commercial relationship persists or while the user does not request its removal, and during the period of time where legal responsibilities for the offered services may arise.
The usage of the personal data is carried out on the basis of the following legal foundations that validate it:
1. To request information and/or contract or procure services of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, and, to this effect, the terms and conditions will be at your disposal at any time prior to the eventual procurement or contracting.
2. The free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent, since we herewith inform you, through this Privacy Policy, and after its reading, that if you agree, you can indicate it by expressing your agreement or by a clear affirmative action, such as the indication of such circumstance in the box provided.
If you do not give us your personal data or you give us data that is incorrect or incomplete, we can not deal with your request, which will make it impossible for us to provide you the requested information or to carry out the service procurement.
The data is not transferred or communicated to any third party, foreign to Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, save for the cases of legal obligation.
The data gathered by the users of the services
If the user includes personal data files in the services of shared storage, Administration & Valuation of Estates GB can not be held liable for any breach of the General Regulation of the Data Protection by the user.
Data retention in accordance with LSSI
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB informs that, as a provider of the hosting information service and pursuant to the Act 34/2002, of 11th of July, on Information Services Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), retains information, necessary for the identification of the retained data sources, maximum for 12 months and the moment when the service provision started. The retention of this data does not affect the secrecy of communication and they can only be used as part of criminal investigation or for the purpose of safeguarding public security, being available to judges and/or courts ot to the Ministry that so requires.
The data communication to the Law Enforcement bodies shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations on Personal Data Protection.
Intellectual Property Rights
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB is the copyright, intelectual and industrial property holder, the holder of “know how” and of all the other rights that correlate with the website www.administraciondefincasgb.esand the services offered through it, and of the necessary programmes for their implementation and the related information.
The following actions are not allowed: copying, posting and/or not purely private use of the contents, in whole or in part, of the website www.administraciondefincasgb.eswithout prior written consent or permission.
Intellectual Property of the Software
The users have to respect the programmes of the third-parties placed at their disposal by Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, even if they are free of charge and/or publicly available.
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB has the necessary exploitation rights and intellectual property of the software.
The user does not acquire any right or licence for the hired service, to the necessary software for the hired service, nor to the monitoring technical information of the service, save for the necessary rights and licences to fulfill the procured services and only during their duration.
Any action that is not done for the fulfillment of the contract or exceeds its limit, can not be done without written authorisation or permission of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, being forbidden to access, modify, display the settings, structure and files of the servers that are property of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, assuming the civil and criminal responsibility derived from any incident that may happen with the servers and security systems as a direct result of a negligent or malicious behaviour of the user.
Intellectual Property of the hosted contents
The use of the provided services by Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, when being contrary to the Regulations on Intellectual Property, is forbidden. In particular, it is forbidden to carry out the following:
• The usage that is contrary to Spanish regulations or that infringes the third-parties rights.
• The transmission and publication of any content that, in the view of Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, may be considered as obscene or vulgar, violent, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.
• The cracks, serial programme numbers or any other content that infringes the intellectual property rights of the third-parties.
• The gathering or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or permission, or breaching the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on 27th of April 2016, of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data.
• The use of domain´s e-mail server and of e-mail addresses with the intention of sending junk or spam e-mail.
The user shall be wholly responsible for the content on his website, for transmitted and stored information, hypertext links, third-parties claims and legal actions referring to intelectual property, third-parties rights and protection of minors.
Also, the user shall be responsible for compliance of current laws and regulations and of rules referred to online service performance, copyright, electronic commerce, public order maintenance and global principles of Internet usage.
The user shall compensate Administration & Valuation of Estates GB for the expenses generated as a result of any charge or complaint against Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, when the responsibility is ascribable to the user. This compensation includes the costs and the fees of the defence, even when the decision is not final.
Protection of the hosted information
Administration & Valuation of Estates GB keeps backup copies of the hosted contents on its servers. However, Administration & Valuation of Estates GB shall not be held liable for the loss or accidental data erasure by the users. Similarly, Administration & Valuation of Estates GB can not ensure the total replacement of the deleted or erased data by the users, because the cited data could have been suppressed and/or modified during the lapse of time since the last backup copy.
The offered services, save for specific backup services, do not include the replacement of the hosted contents retained on the backup copies, made by Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, when this loss of the contents is ascribable to the user. In these cases a rate shall be determined, which commensurate with the complexity of the recovery, prior user acceptance.
The replacement of the deleted or removed data shall only be included in the service price, when the contents loss is ascribable to Administration & Valuation of Estates GB.
Commercial communications
In accordance with LSSI (Act 34/2002, of 11th of July, on Information Services Society and Electronic Commerce), Administration & Valuation of Estates GB shall not send marketing or promotional communications by e-mail or any other equivalent electronic communication means, that have not been previously requested or expressly authorised by the recipients to whom they are addressed.
If there is a prior contractual relationship with the user, Administration & Valuation of Estates GB is authorised to send commercial communications related to products or services provided by Administration & Valuation of Estates GB, that are similar to the ones that were initially the purpose of the contract with the client.
In any case, the user, after proving his identity, will be able to request not to be sent anymore marketing or commercial information through the Customer Support channels.